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Pacific Round-up – PLN’ers end of year Celebrations and Reflections across the Pacific

​To celebrate a fantastic year for the Pacific Legal Network, we held three momentous events in November in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. In case you missed it, here’s a whip around from our affiliate offices – Pacific Legal Network and PLN Advisory, Fiji – Disruption, Innovation and the future for Pacific Regionalism Haniff Tuitoga, the Pacific Legal Network’s Fiji member firm, joined PLN Advisory in hosting an event in Fiji to discuss “disruption, innovation and the future for Pacific regionalism.” Jinita Prasad, General Manager of PLN Advisory, shared her insights on disruption and innovation and the opportunities for regional and (more particularly) Fijian businesses through understanding disruption, and effectively leveraging innovation. She discussed the value of harnessing innovation through services like cloud-based apps, and how these services can enhance capabilities in a regional pacific context. This discussion provided opportunities for guests to reflect on their businesses and think about how to effectively tap into the opportunities which innovation presents.

​Primo Afeau Legal Services and PLN Advisory, Solomon Islands – Celebrate 1 year in the PLN Network Primo Afeau Legal Services (represented by Primo Afeau) and PLN Advisory (represented by John Ridgway and Elizabeth Moran), held an event at the Heritage Park Hotel in Honiara, to celebrate a fantastic year of collaboration and the one year anniversary of Primo Afeau Legal Service’s formally becoming the Solomon Islands member firm of the Pacific Legal Network. Aside from the opportunity for corporate and government guests to mingle, a key takeaway was undoubtedly the huge capacity for growth in the Solomon Islands, evidenced by the number of overseas companies looking to invest in the Solomon Islands, and reflected by the sheer number of infrastructure projects taking place in Honiara. Both Primo and John took the opportunity to thank everyone for their ongoing support of the Pacific Legal Network, and provide an update on business in the Pacific.

​Fairfax Legal, Papua New Guinea – A decade and Beyond

Fairfax Legal, Papua New Guinea’s member firm of the Pacific Legal Network, celebrated a decade since opening its doors in Papua New Guinea. Principal Keith Iduhu reflected on the decade that has been, from acknowledging and paying tribute to his first employees and clients, to sharing his vision for the future, including exciting plans to open an experimental desk in Buka, Bougainville and to work even more closely with members within the PLN Network. Members of PLN Australia (Paul Toua and Samantha Cook) and PLN Advisory (Jinita Prasad) were also in attendance and able to share in the festivities along with all of the Fairfax Legal Staff (below). Testament to Keith and Fairfax’s success over the decade were the presence of some of Keith’s longest standing clients, who Keith thanks for their ongoing support for his business and vision.

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