The importance of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Marketing
Key points:
In order to stand out from competing businesses, it is important to have a substantial online presence, which can be assisted through SEO marketing
SEO is much more cost effective when compared to other marketing strategies such as pay-per-click marketing
Increased brand awareness and targeted traffic can result from the integration of SEO marketing, ultimately increasing the likelihood of customers requiring your business’s goods or services
Employment of SEO marketing encourages a site reshuffle, generating easier site usability for customers
SEO allows for traceable and quantifiable results regardless of whether you are an online or offline business, thus providing continuous Return on Investment (ROI).
In this electronic era, more individuals search online for products and services than ever before. Thus it is important for your professional organisation to have a substantial online presence through integrating SEO into your business strategy.
SEO is the process of maximising the number of visitors to a website by ensuring the site can be found in search engines with key words or phrases relevant to the sites’ offering. There are many significant reasons for employing SEO strategies, some of these are investigated below. Cost effective
SEO marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies and is significantly cheaper when compared to other forms of online marketing such as pay-per-click and paid advertisements. Through the integration of SEO, if an individual discovers your business through a search engine such as Google, this would be the same as one thousand people finding your site through that link. However, this is different to most marketing strategies as you have to pay per individual lead, thus, by employing SEO technology, costs are minimised. While it may take a long time to reach the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), once your business is there, you will notice a significant increase in extended flows of traffic. Effective SEO also has the ability to attract thousands of individuals and organisations to your business, resulting in significant cost-savings by streamlining the marketing of your organisation. Increased brand awareness
Due to the fact that top ranking positions on the SERP lead to significant impressions, having your website in these top positions could result in more business exposure through your website. As well as this, if a business is on the first page of the SERP, individuals are more likely to associate your brand with those key words. This association encourages brand trust, as businesses on the first page are generally perceived as more trustworthy and reliable than those that are not. The more visits your page receives the greater the likelihood that potential clients will become familiar with your business, leading to strong brand awareness. Therefore, this increased brand awareness and exposure will result in higher demand for your products and services Increased targeted traffic
Websites at the top of the SERP receive a majority of clicks and impressions, particularly for searchers looking for specific products or services targeted to their needs. Therefore, ranking in these top positions can lead to an increased number of targeted potential customers to your website. As SEO also provides the ability to create informative and key word relevant tags and meta-tags, optimising these tags help increase the click through rate, equating to more high quality clients viewing your site. Web traffic generated from an effective SEO campaign also has high conversion potential. This means it increases the potential for customers to take specific action, ‘converting’ them into a purchaser of your product or service. An example of increased targeted traffic can be represented through a well-executed SEO campaign for an accountancy firm; the SEO campaign will, at some point, reach potential customers, leading them not only to the firms’ website, but also to the specific website section they require. This shows effective SEO can act as your receptionist, salesperson and marketing executive. Site usability
In the process of employing SEO technology, it encourages a website reshuffle to ensure key words, links and any other information needed for SEO are easily found by search engines. This reshuffle of your site not only makes it easier for search engines to find pages, but also makes it easier for potential clients and customers to easily access sections of your website most relevant to their needs. For example, an individual on a law firm website with well-planned SEO, looking for legal advice on mergers and acquisitions, will be able to access this information more easily than before the integration of SEO through specific tabs and pages dedicated to mergers and acquisitions. Long term investment
SEO allows for traceable and quantifiable results regardless of whether you are an online or offline business, thus providing continuous Return on Investment (ROI). Companies that utilise SEO have the ability to track their strategy, including increases in traffic, conversions and rankings. Web analytical software provides the opportunity to further analyse these results, demonstrating demographic information about those who have found your site. This allows you to develop relationships with potential clients and to see exactly who is interested in your business. Therefore by implementing SEO, businesses will be able to track their ROI in the long term. Conclusion
Thus, due to the continuing advancement in technology, it is important for your professional business to have a substantial online presence, through implementing CEO marketing in your business strategy. The benefits of doing so include: cost effectiveness, increased brand awareness, increased targeted traffic, easier site usability and providing a long term investment for your business.
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